
Top 10 Movie Fight Scenes


The Matrix (1999)

Fight Coordinator: Yuen Woo-Ping

This movie was jam-packed with awesome fight scenes, but the Agent Smith vs Neo fight in the subway is a the ultimate combination between special effects and hand-to-hand combat.

Raging Bull (1980)

Director Martin Scorsese made the bold and unusual choice to put the camera inside the ring in the final fight with Sugar Ray Robinson, showing the fight from a boxer’s POV.

Ong Bak (2003)

Choreographer: Prachya Pinkaew

The movie that introduced the world to Tony Jaa, and fight choreographer Prachya Pinkaew, this is a full-throttle, no-holds-barred fight - no wires, no effects, just Muay Thai.

The Bourne Ultimatum

Fight Stunt Coordinator: Jeff Imada

This movie makes the bold choice of shooting a fight scene without music, letting the sense of urgency and action come completely from the fighters (and the props they throw at each other, hit each other with, and crash through, of course).

Hero (2002)

Fight Choreographer: Chium Siu-Tung

The Grey Fight between Jet Li and Donnie Yen is one of the most perfect weapons fights ever filmed, elevated by the fact that it takes place entirely within the two characters’ minds… until the end.

Kill Bill Vol. 1 

Fight Coordinator: Yuen Woo-Ping

A nod and send-up of 70s Kung Fu flicks, the Bride takes on an astounding number of bad guys, resulting in gushes and gushes of blood, and a plucked-out eye.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

Fight Coordinator: Yuen Woo-Ping

Director: Ang Lee

There’s some beautiful wire work in Crouching Tiger, but for sheer precision and skill on display, we love the training-hall face-off between Michelle Yeoh and Ziyi Zhang

Killzone SPL (2005)

Choreographers: Donnie Yen and Wu Jing

Yen is a martial arts legend, and his fights could comprise a list in and of itself, but this largely improvised fight has to be one of the most impressive achievements.

Legend of the Drunken Master (1994) 

Choreography: Jackie Chan

A true classic of Jackie Chan’s work, the final factory fight couldn’t be a more pure expression of Jackie Chan’s style.

Enter The Dragon (1973)

Choreographer: Bruce Lee

We couldn’t go any other way with the #1 on this list. Without Bruce Lee’s incredible skills, and this iconic fight, movie fights wouldn’t be what they are today.

Our friends over at IndieWire put together some seriously inspired MOVIE LISTS: and CineFix is bringing 'em to life!

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